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Proposed Development of the Previous Verdugo Hills Golf Course into 240 home development re-zoning request has been DENIED!
June 27, 2021
The long-awaited decision upholding the City of Los Angeles' refusal to re-zone the Verdugo Hills Golf Course property to allow a developer to build 240 homes. These homes would have been in an extremely high fire hazard area with limited ingress and egress. Once 240 homes had been built, existing state law would have allowed each new homeowner to add two ADU's, potentially increasing the number of residences to 720. This would have been a disaster waiting to happen.
Our efforts to oppose this project made a difference. The decision cites Councilmember Rodriguez' letter stressing the fire danger as well as other public comments regarding the fire danger as supporting the city council's findings that the denial was in the public interest and was not arbitrary or unreasonable.

April 3, 2020
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